Monday, December 14

He's a big boy now!!!

Grants no baby anymore.....last week was a big week for Grant... He learned how to crawl, clap his hands, and fall down the stairs(oops)...and among all that, he received his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tooth...I sure love this baby...he is so fun to just sit and watch. he is always having to keep up with the other kids, any time they are yelling, playing, screaming...Grant joins right in and lets us know what he is thinking too....He is such a happy boy and i love him so so much!!!


Elder Paysen Adams said...

Awwwwww! What a cutie! Such a big boy! They sure do grow way too fast!

Hills said...

he is such a cutie! i cant believe he is crawling!

JC Photography said...

Wow - that is a big week! How did you survive it? He is such a cutie. I can't believe how big he is getting. I was going to let you know we'll be staying up there next week if you want to do pictures - just a thought.