Saturday, November 21

My little brother Clint is home for a few weeks after completing basic training....We were able to go pick him up at the airport on Wednesday, which was also Natalie's birthday and my niece Seirras birthday...after he arrived at the airport we went and celebrated with a lunch a Sizzler..yum yum...on December 6th Clint heads to San Jose Cal. for a few years with the Air force. until then we are glad to have him home and spend thanksgiving with him.
That night we celebrated Nat's birthday with the Jensen' was a blast...thanks everyone!!!
I can't believe she is a whopping 7 years old....crazy~!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAT!!!
During her party she took a bite of her cake and munched down on yet another tooth.....that makes 4 missing teeth that haven't yet grown in....i told her we are going to have to find some child dentures so she can keep on!!!

After a full day of fussing and crying from teething, a moment like this makes up for everything!

FHE~Last Monday night was a great and fun family home evening, we went to the church and played basketball with Nicks family....I never thought something so simple could turn into so much fun(even though I can't play worth a dang)...i think we will have to do it more often...


Jeralyn Petterson said...

Cute birthday cake! I wish we got to see you guys more often. Your family is growing up so fast.

JC Photography said...

Too cute - and how fun you've been able to spend some time with your brother. We wish him luck and safety. Oh and I would so love to take your pictures - thanks for wanting me to! Just let me know when - I'll be back the 4th.

Anonymous said...

How is the fat guy in the hat

Anonymous said...

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