Tuesday, March 10

I can't believe she's 2!!!!

We celebrated Ellyn's birthday lastnight with Pizza, cake and icecream.
Both of our families were there and it was great fun!!!
I just can't believe that she is 2. she is just still so little to me.....

This 1st photo is my fav. She is feeding her new baby while blowing out her birthday candles....
The first present she opened were some cute little pink sandals, and if any of you know her she is a shoe freak.... so need to mention that it took alot of talk to get her to open her other presents.... She did manage though with the help of her brother, sister, and cousins!!!!
It was fun and thanks to all of you who came and enjoyed the fun with us!!


Jarae said...

Wow, I can't believe she is already 2 either. They get big so fast. I love all of the dress up stuff and dolls. So cute. Little girls are so fun.

JC Photography said...

She can't be that old!!!! Wow, time flies. Looks like she had a fabulous birthday. That's cute she loves shoes - she's a true girl!

Hills said...

She is so stinking cute! I loved the boots the best! CUTE! oh and the cute red dress that someone special gave her! jk! thanks for letting us come and crash the party!

Megan and Shawn said...

Wow I can't believe how cute Ellyn is. What a cute girl! I hope you're feeling good - the clock is ticking.

Nicolette said...

Hey, we need to see a belly pic of you! You are soooo close, how exciting!

Lacey and Zach said...

You have such cute little kids! I had no idea you were expecting your fourth child! Congratulations! You are soooo close to being done with your pregnancy. How exciting for you!! You have a way cute family!

taggdarci said...

Oh your kids are so cute! Hope you're feelin good now that you're on the home stretch of your pregnancy. Yes, Katie Wells did Londyn's pics when she was 1 week old. I love her work. She is fabulous to work with, too. She also designed Londyn's birth announcement which was way cute. Let me know if you have any other questions - good hearing from ya!

The Schultz Family said...

Yeah I can totally make you some, I know it's kind of out of season for beanies right now but I usually sell them for a flat rate of $10.00 so if you want some just let me know thier age and what color, and if you want a bow or a flower or whatever! Thanks Marci

Nicolette said...

You are in single-digit days now! Exciting!!! You have to post pictures as soon as you have the baby.

Hills said...

Will you pop already! You need to get on the ball and get "John Deere" here already! hee hee!

Anonymous said...

lovely age i love em still in pullups cummingin her ass fingering hercuny